Sell on Value, Not Price.

Your clients come first, always.

Chris Martin
4 min readMay 11, 2021
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

There's a right way and a wrong way to do sales. If you arent the right Chef for them you need to say so (GET YOUR EGO OUT OF THE CONVERSATION). What would be the best way to make their vision come to life. Finally, what's the price and what would it cost?

Lose The Ego

I took this event. It made me work for two parties in a day, it was my least favorite meal to cook, and I wasn't given enough freedom with the menu. Unfortunately, the money was good so I took the gig.

I was rushing, I didn't feel inspired and my heart just wasn't in it. Everything about this party was just nothing like me. So, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that this event simply didn't go well.

The whole time I was thinking about how I've gotten nearly 40 reviews written based on my services and this day I was poised to get my first review below 4 stars. All those fantastic dinners with the blemish of this brunch.

Dinners, that was the key.

Sure, with nearly 17 years of experience in the kitchen, I am capable of cooking whatever I want effectively whenever I want. However, I should have remembered a key to high performance; just because I can doesn't mean I should. Sometimes I just need to remember what I'm good at and stick with that.

“A master shows himself in everything he does.” — Professor Greg Nelson

Make It Happen

13 minutes.

13 minutes is how long the average sales call takes with my company Savor The Passion.

“Hey, how's it going?!”

“Tell me, if you were going to go out to eat, where would you have gone?”

“In your mind, how does your event look? Whatever your vision is, that's what I want to make happen for you.”

Our clients often have a very vague idea of what they're looking for if any at all. It's up to us to help our clients gain clarity in what they want and to guide them down the path to show them the best path to their goal.

We the experts have a disadvantage here, we have the burden of knowledge. At first, it's very easy to overcome this because we know how to cook, but in the beginning, we don't know anything about working as a Personal Chef. This forces us to ask questions. Questions lead to collaboration. Collaboration leads to sales.

Do you want to help your clients and make money on the way? Ask Questions.

Price vs. Cost

“If you think a skilled Chef is expensive, wait till you see what an unskilled one costs you.” — Kitchen Proverbs

“Woah, that's more than I was hoping to spend.”

“Let me ask, are you worried about the price or the cost?”

Now more than ever we are getting clients that are experiencing dinner with a Personal Chef for the first time, they may not be expecting the price tag that comes along with that. If you've done the previous two steps properly the conversation should never get to this point, but if it should we gotta clear it up.

Before we go into this remember doing this is fine if you know you can help your client, but if you're at all uncertain if you can help them you cannot in good faith sell any service to them.

Anyways, remember the price is the monetary exchange. The same number can mean nothing to some that it means everything to another. In some cases, the budget can is helped, it simply is what it is.

However, there are some thing s that mean more to us than money just the same to us all. Time with our family and our reputation are only two traits at stake here but they're more than enough.

Need to get over the hump to show your value to your prospective client: remind them that they aren't only choosing whether or not to cook for themselves but if they want someone stuck in the kitchen when the family is over. If they're thinking about going with a cheaper option never belittle their choice but gently remind them ‘you get what you pay for.’

I’m Commis Chef Chris Martin. I’ve been in the Culinary industry for 16 years and I love spending my time helping as many people as I can whether it's through giving advice on how I dealt with some of my own life challenges, or if it’s through where I’m working to increase the quality of life of all that I can through the power of food.

Your Turn

What does your sales process look like?

Thank you very much for your time; it is the most precious resource we have available to us, so thank you. If you’re interested in learning more about what I am all about the best way to do it, visit there you can follow all things me and my work with Chefs and other avenues of life.

As always,

Follow Your Passion.

Stay Safe. Stay Passionate.

~Commis Chef Chris



Chris Martin

A Chef of 18 years using his knowledge and expertise to connect Chefs & foodies to create a great experience by making ordering a Chef as easy as a pizza.